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Parent Handbook

Parent Hand Book for Owls Nest Child Care

                                                                                                                                                                                         EIN# 84-2655090

Owl’s Nest Child Care LLC                                                                                                                                          Facility#19749404

Owls nest child care list of things to bring

  1. Blanket/pillow if they use one

  2. Crib sheet

  3. If they have a pacifier or stuff animal that helps them sleep

  4. Bottles and formula if needed/milk

  5. Diapers /wipes

  6. Destine / but cream

  7.  3 sets of extra clothes this includes paints and shirts and socks.

  8. Jackets/ during cold weather

  9. Extra shoes

Summer Clothes

  1. Little swimmers

  2. Sun Block

  3. Swim suits/towels

  4. Hats

  5. Lunch box for each child/ice pack/water bottle

  6. Shorts ,short sleeve shirts, socks

  7. Water shoes/ crocks

Cubbies & File Box

Each child has a cubby in the room in which his/her group is based. Spare clothes should be kept there in a clear and labeled zip lock bag. Soiled clothes may be placed there or in another specified place. Children also keep their “sharing items” there. Each child also has a work folder located at the entrance to his/her classroom at the sign in sheet. Their “prized possessions” (class work, artwork, etc.), important school correspondences, and teacher notes are placed their daily. We encourage you to take the time to ask your child about their works of art and have a special place to display them at home. This will help to boost your child’s confidence in sharing what they’ve learned and give your child a sense of pride. Please make sure you check the file box for any important information each day.



Dismissing Students

 ONCC reserves the right to dismiss a student, parent and/or staff-member whose presence in the school is considered detrimental to the best interest of the student, fellow students, or the school in general.

ONCC also reserves the right to dismiss any student, parent, and/or staff member who knowingly goes against any of the school’s published policies and/or promotes negative advertising against the school verbally, in writing, and/or through social media.


Religious & Ethnic Tolerance

All members of ONCC administration, faculty, staff, students and all family members are expected to respect the religious beliefs and ethnic backgrounds of all aforementioned parties. While on ONCC property, at ONCC events, or in reference to ONCC, students, staff, faculty, family members and administration will be held to the same standards; none will make disparaging remarks or comment on others' backgrounds or beliefs. Furthermore we are a community of inclusion and will respect all beliefs, backgrounds and differences we all bring to the classroom.


Your child’s health is extremely important to all of us. Upon enrollment, you must file with us a health form signed by a physician. We also require that the child has all required immunizations and a tuberculin clearance (TB Test). In order to ensure a healthy atmosphere and to prevent the spread of contagious conditions at the school.

Communicable Diseases If a student develops symptoms of illness during school hour’s parents will be notified and asked to pick up their child as soon as possible.

         In cases where children develop or are exposed to communicable diseases such as lice, pink eye, chicken pox, measles, mumps, or hepatitis, hand foot mouth, flu, COVID-19 we ask parents to notify the school immediately. Before any student may return to school after recuperating from a communicable illness, the school must receive a doctor’s statement certifying the child’s health. The school will issue a school-wide health memo if it suspects your child may have been exposed to a communicable disease while at school. All reportable illnesses will be reported to local health authorities and child care licensing facilities.

COVID-19 Policies and Procedures

  1. All family members of each child enrolled at Owl’s Nest Child Care (ONCC) child care will need to take their temperatures before coming to owls nest.

    1. All children and parents will receive a temperature check at both pick up and drop off. If temperature >99.9°F, child will not be allowed to stay at ONCC.

    2. Child may not return for 72 hours after last elevated temperature reading.

  2. If any family member of a child that attends ONCC intends to travel, ONCC must be notified. This includes planes, trains, buses, boats, and automobiles. This is for the health and welfare of all of your children and everyone’s family.

  3. All staff at ONCC will be required to take their temperatures before interacting with children and families.

  4. Please teach your children the proper way of covering their mouths when cough/sneezing.

  5. You are highly encouraged to continue to socially distance. Stay away from crowded place, wear a mask, and stay six feet away from anyone who is not a member of your household.

  6. Please limit the bringing of toys to the daycare (everything is being sanitized; it is more difficult to sanitize more toys).

  7. Naps -Children will be placed at least 6 feet apart from each other while napping. They will be placed in a head to toe orientation.

  8.  Staff and families must wear masks at drop off and pick up.

  9. Everyone one that is eligible for a covid-19 vaccination is required to get one to attend O.N.C.C. This means parent's and children, staff.

  10. All new staff and new families must be covid-19 tested before starting at ONCC. This means anyone that lives in the same home or is in constant contact with household members. Covid-19 tests must come back as negative for anyone one to start

  11. Please use hand sanitizer before signing in or out.

  12. Pick up and drop off will be staggered in order to accommodate social distancing. Please text your eta when picking up or dropping off of your child.

  13. Please be assured that we at ONCC are doing everything in our power to ensure staff and families health and safety.

  14. Keep children home if they have any of the following symptoms: (please refer to the CDC or American Academic of Pediatrics websites for continued updates on associated symptoms)

    1. Cough

    2. Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

    3. Fever

    4. Chills

    5. Muscle pain

    6. Sore throat

    7. New loss of taste or smell

    8. Diarrhea

    9. Vomiting

    10. Hoarseness

    11. Suspected multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C)


  1. If a child is identified as having any of these symptoms while already at ONCC, they will be separated from other children and staff to the best of our abilities. You will also be notified of their symptoms or exposure, as the case may be.

  2. Children should stay home if they have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, or  if anyone in their household has any symptoms of COVID-19.


Please remember this in addition to the original sick child policy. Thank you for your understanding, as we are all in this together! Stay safe!

Sick Child Policy

We cannot admit children who have symptoms of illness.

      Children who develop symptoms while at our school are removed from their group. Their parents are then notified and required to pick their children up as soon as possible. If we are unable to contact you or you cannot pick up your child, we will phone the person(s) you list as alternates for us to call in an emergency. We are required by state law to follow these procedures. If your child develops one of the highly contagious diseases or conditions listed below, or a similar disease or condition requiring care of a physician, a statement from your physician stating that your child may safely return is required before your child may be return to the school.

  • Varicella zoster (chicken pox)

  • Influenza

  • Bronchitis

  • Measles (Rubeola)

  • Impetigo

  • Pneumonia

  • Rubella (German Measles)

  • Conjunctivitis (pink eye)

  • Lice

  • Hand foot and mouth disease

Keep Your Child Home If He or She is experiencing:

  1. Fever ≥ 99.9°F or above (normal body temperature is 98.7°F)

  2. Any signs of a cold: cough, sore throat, watery eyes, runny nose with green mucus

  3. Headache or head pain/ ear ache

  4. Loss of appetite

  5. Vomiting

  6. Diarrhea

  7. Excessively irritable or shows unusual passivity

  8. Inflammation of the eye(s)

  9. Abscess or draining sores

  10. Rash, unless the cause is determined to be non-contagious

  11. His/her behavior is not normal

  12. Abdominal pain

  13. Rash or sores on their palms, soles, and/or in their mouth

  14. Excessively itchy scalp


Children sent home from school because of vomiting, diarrhea or fever are required to be absent from school for a period of 24 hours unless there is a doctor’s note indicating the child may return.


Accidents & First Aid

All faculty and some administrative staff are trained on an annual basis in CPR/First Aid. The school will give appropriate first aid to a hurt child. In all except very minor injuries, the parents will be contacted. In case of serious injury (such as a head injury, suspected bone injury, severe cuts), parents will be notified immediately to determine the necessary medical attention to be sought. If Owls Nest Child Care administration and staff deem the injury is life-threatening, paramedics will be called to the school, and a parent/guardian will be contacted. If a parent cannot be contacted, the school will use the emergency contacts provided by the parents in the student’s record. If no one can be reached, an administrator or school representative will accompany the child to the hospital taking the child’s emergency information and the accident report with them. An Accident Report is filled out by the supervising staff for any accident or injury and signed by an administrator. A copy of this report will be sent home for each student accident or injury.

Rates and Tuition Payments:

One Full Installment on the 1st of each month.

Two Installments on the 1st (1/2 tuition) and 15th (remaining 1/2 tuition) of each mon

           ●     Late Tuition Fee: $50

1.  Full-time: $1,500 / month for 5 days a week - 10% sibling discount

2.  Part-time: $1,400 / month for 4 days a week - 10% sibling discount

3.  Part-time: $1,300 / month for 3 days a week - 10% sibling discount

4.  Part time $1,200/ month for  2 days a week- 10% sibling discount

5.  Drop-in - daily: $100 -10% sibling discount

6.  Late tuition fee: $50

7.  One time application fee: $50

Note: Food and potty training is included in the price, and the music class is once a week. 

          Days your child will be coming (choose one):

          Full Time (5 Days a Week)

          Part time (4 days a Week)

          Part Time (3 Days a Week)

          Part Time (2 Days a Week) 


Medications and Medication Administration

It is encouraged for parents to give medications to their children at home. However, it is necessary for your child to receive medication while at Owls Nest Child Care, the following will apply:


  Prescription Medication

  • Container must have the original pharmacy label listing the child’s name, physician’s name, name of medicine, issue date, dosage, expiration date, and directions for administration and storage. 

  • Container must be child resistant

  • Medication must be prescribed in the United States

  • Medication must be for current illness


  Non-prescription Medication

  • Dosage instructions and reason for receiving medication must

  • From Physician and shall include a pharmacy, label listing the child’s name, physician’s name, name of medicine, issue date, dosage, expiration date, and directions for administration and storage. 

  • Physician’s dosage must be in accordance with instructions on label. 

  •  Must be in the original container which gives directions for safe use, expiration date, list of active ingredients, name and address of manufacturer, and be labeled with child’s name and date.


If you child needs to receive the medication during the day, inform the Lead Teacher. Who will then give the medication to them. Parents will need to complete a Medication

Consent Form for all medications (prescription and non-prescription). Parent’s instructions on the consent form must be in accordance with the instructions from the Physician. If the consent form is incomplete, medication will not be administered and parents may have to return during the day to give the medication until the form is completed. A new form needs to be completed whenever there is a change i.e., dosage. Medications can only be given to the child indicated on the label. Twins and siblings cannot share medications! Parents may ask their Pharmacist to dispense a second labeled medication container for childcare facility.


Administering Medication

The student will be administered physician-prescribed medication only upon the written request of the student’s parents or guardians.

The school will only administer non-prescription medication if the parent or legal guardian has filled out a medication form requesting that it be administered with the amount and how often. This form must be signed by a parent or legal guardian.  We will not administer any prescription medication unless it is accompanied by a physician’s signed request. The school is not responsible for failure to provide requested prescription medication, nor for adverse reactions which are caused by the administration of such prescription medication.


In special circumstances, while on a field trip the administration or teaching staff may administer over-the-counter medication, as needed. The school is not responsible for any adverse reactions from over-the-counter medication. All medication is to be kept in the office in its original container.


The health and safety of all the children is our 1st priority. The school head, director, or any other staff member will report to the Children’s Protective Services or the Police Department, as required by the State Penal Code, if there is any suspicion of child abuse, sexual or otherwise, neglect, or endangerment of which they may become aware.  


Child Care Nutrition Policy

Good nutrition is vital to children's learning and physical development. These child care nutrition policies have been designed to encourage the development of good eating habits that will last a lifetime. We do not allow any children to bring non-nutritional sweets (candy, cake, ice cream, etc.) of any kind unless it is a special occasion such as a holiday or birthday. We provide two healthy snacks each day one in the am and the other on the pm both snacks will have a fruit or vegetable and one grain. Children are given water or 2% milk.

Your preschooler's needs depend on how fast he or she is growing plus other individual factors. Each child's needs may differ from the average, and appetites can vary from day to day. 

Use the table below as a general guide to how much your child should eat from each food group to meet their needs. Here’s how to get the right plan:

  1. Find the suggested calorie level based on your preschooler's age, sex, and physical activity level.

  2. Print a MyPlate Plan to help you stay on track.

  3. View the Meal and Snack Patterns for examples of food that can fit into your child’s plan. 


Age                                    Sex                             Daily Activity                       MyPlate Plan

2                                       Boys & Girls             Any level                             - 1000 calories
                                                                                                                         - Meal & snack ideas


3                                       Boys                          <30 Min                               - 1200 calories

                                                                                                                         - Meal & snack ideas


3                                       Boys                          30 - 60 Min                        - 1400 calories

                                                                                                                        - Meal & snack ideas


3                                       Boys                          >60 Min                               - 1400 calories

                                                                                                                         - Meal & snack ideas


3                                       Girls                           30 - 60 Min                        - 1000 calories

                                                                                                                         - Meal & snack ideas


3                                       Girls                          <30 Min                                - 1200 calories

                                                                                                                         - Meal & snack ideas


3                                       Girls                          >60 Min                               - 1400 calories

                                                                                                                        - Meal & snack ideas



4 - 5                                 Boys                          <30 Min                               - 1200 calories

                                                                                                                         - Meal & snack ideas


4 - 5                                 Boys                          30 - 60 Min                         - 1400 calories

                                                                                                                         - Meal & snack ideas


4 - 5                                 Boys                          >60 Min                               - 1600 calories

                                                                                                                         - Meal & snack ideas


4 - 5                                 Girls                           30 - 60 Min                         - 1200 calories

                                                                                                                         - Meal & snack ideas


4 - 5                                 Girls                          <30 Min                                - 1400 calories

                                                                                                                         - Meal & snack ideas


4 - 5                                 Girls                          >60 Min                               - 1400 calories

                                                                                                                        - Meal & snack ideas




  • Your preschooler may not eat the exact amounts suggested every day. Try to balance the amounts over a few days or a week.

  • Offer different foods from day to day. Encourage your child to choose from a variety of foods.

  • Serve foods in small portions at scheduled meals and snacks.

  • Choose healthy snacks for your preschooler.

  • Beverages count too! Make smart beverage choices.


Court Orders & Custody

Owls Nest Child Care will abide strictly by court orders. The school denies a parent access to their child only if there is a legal document, which addresses that denial. If, pursuant to court order, one parent has been given the legal right to child custody or visitation, and such custody or visitation determines which parent may pick up her/his child who participates in the school program, or if one parent has been restrained by court order from visiting or has been ordered to stay away from said child, Owls Nest Child Care requires the following:

1. A letter from the custodial parent stating that the non-custodial parent is not allowed to pick up the child.

2. A certified copy, with an original signature and certified seal of the current court order, and which states the right or

restraints ordered, must be filed with the administration.

3. If a later court order is issued changing the terms of the original court order, it will not be honored until it is filed as the more recent certified order, with verification that a fee was paid for filing at the County Courthouse.

4. We will not accept information regarding the validity of orders over the telephone. Only written instruction will be accepted regarding a court order

5. Visitation with the non-custodial parent will not be permitted to take place at the school. Dismissal to others - Any court documents, such as restraining orders, custody agreements, etc., need to be on file in the school office if a student is NOT to be dismissed to others.

A signed note or phone call must be given/made to the administer prior to dismissal to indicate that students are to go home with another student or family.




In the case of many emergencies, communication may be difficult.


The communication lines at the school will need to be used for our own emergency procedures. Please see the Emergency Plan for Parents in this handbook for more details on the school’s communication plan in case of emergency. Emergency fire and earthquake drills are held regularly during the school year. In the event of a true emergency, be assured that your child will always be in the care of a responsible adult and will be provided with food, shelter, and medical attention, if necessary.

Emergency Procedure Plan

  1. We will immediately contact parents. In the event we cannot contact parents we will contact the next person on your emergency contact card.


If for any reason we are unable to remain at 2329 N Lincoln St. Burbank CA 91504-unit D. We will inform you.

Emergency Information

All students are required to have up-to-date emergency information on file and must be kept current. If there are emergency number changes, the school’s registrar should be notified immediately. There should also be a three-day supply of any medication regularly taken by a child complete with instructions and dosage information. Please bring this medication to the school administer no later than the first day of school. Emergency information is kept on file to ensure proper medical treatment in case of emergency and to meet the requirements of the State of California.


If a student is ill with a fever or vomiting, he/she should remain home until he/she is well. This will discourage incidence of illness among the students. If a child comes to school and develops symptoms of illness, he/she will be monitored, and parents or guardian will be notified. Appropriate care will be given until parent, guardian, or a designated representative arrives. (See Sick Child Policy for more detailed information).



The staff work very hard to keep children safe and well, however, occasionally typical childhood accidents, such as bumps, scrapes and falls, occur while in care. Staff will tend to minor injuries that can be adequately dealt with by using soap, water, antiseptic solution, ice and bandages.  An injury report will be completed to inform you of the type of injury, location on the child’s body, how the injury occurred, where the injury occurred, treatment and child’s reaction to the injury.  Please sign the injury report and leave it with your child’s Teacher. If you would like a copy of the report, check the box on the form indicating so. Parents will be notified of accidents requiring more extensive intervention. 

If your child becomes injured while at Owls Nest Child Care, these steps will be followed:

  1. The seriousness of the injury will be assessed.

  2. First-aid will be administered. If necessary, emergency personnel will be contacted.

  3. If necessary, parents will be contacted. 

  4. Persons listed on your emergency form will be contacted if we are unable to contact you.  It is essential that you notify the staff if you are not going to be at your regularly scheduled work or training site, and leave an alternate phone number. 

  5. Arrangements will be made to have the child taken to the emergency room if necessary. 

  6. You or the person you designate (must be on emergency form authorizing them to pick up) must pick up your child as soon as possible if you are called. 

  7. After a medical evaluation and/or treatment are administered, please contact the preschool to inform us of your child’s status. 


Owls Nest Child Care is not responsible for the payment of fees such as medical or ambulance fees that may be associated with an injury that occurs on the premises.

Medical Treatments

If your child is required to have one of the specific allowable treatment procedures, such as a nebulizer, Epi-pen, or blood glucose monitoring, while in care, you will be asked to complete additional permission requirements, plus demonstrate for staff the proper use of the treatment. 


It is strongly recommended that children wear sunscreen to prevent sunburn. Parents should apply sunscreen of SPF 50 or higher before children come to school. 


If your child has been diagnosed with allergies, you must notify a Director. We must have a statement in writing from your child’s health provider describing the specific allergy, any special precautions, emergency procedures, or medical treatment and/or equipment your child may require. 

If your child has any food allergies for which substitute foods or beverages are required, you must provide the statement from the child’s health provider stating the nature of the allergy and what substitutions are necessary. 

Emergency Information

Your child will be instructed on emergency procedures in case of fire or an earthquake while at school. S/he will participate in regular fire drills and learn other rules of safety. In the event of an emergency or natural disaster, staff will continue to care for your child until such time as you or your authorized representative can pick up your child.  Staff has disaster/emergency training. At all times, at least one staff member on duty has been trained in Infant/Child CPR. In any kind of natural disaster, as long as our facility has been determined to be safe, all children will remain on site unless an injury requires release to an emergency medical facility. We have a land line 818-558-1608


In the event of an evacuation, signs will be clearly posted at Owls Nest Child Care or CDC giving destination of evacuated children. Only adults previously authorized on the emergency forms will be able to sign out children. 

Our emergency evacuation locations are currently:

  1. George Washington Elementary School - 2322 N Lincoln St. Burbank CA, 91504

  2. Burbank Korean Presbyterian - 510 N Buena Vista St Burbank CA, 91505

Emergency Center Closure

The center may close or delay opening if the following conditions are present:

  • Natural disaster which prevents use of the facility,

  • Room conditions prevent inadequate ventilation and breathing,

  • Disruption of utilities which prevent meeting the nutritional needs of the children or natural light is diminished to be a risk to children and staff.

  • Presence of live wires.

  • Loss of water that disrupts hand washing and toileting with clean running water.

  • Pandemic we will follow all the licensing and federal as well as the governors guideline’s

Discipline Policy

We practice Positive Discipline by Jane Nelson. The children all help to create a cool down area this is a place for them to go when they are frustrated or if their emotions are just too big for them to handle. It is a safe nice space that if they just want space from the others, they can have it. It is a place where the children can have to time to figure out how to solve those over whelming choices such as, “Can I take turns?”


During the first month of school for your child, the preschool personnel will assess a child’s potty-training level based upon the preschool changing log. Children who have a regular pattern of needing to be changed 1-2 times or more per day will be considered not potty trained. Families will be charged the $100.00 one-time potty-training fee. We will consider a child potty trained when they have successfully used the potty for one full week (pee and poop) at home and at school (excluding night time). Students in the potty-training process will be required to come to school in pull-ups. This needs to be a school policy so that areas of the school are not contaminated with bodily fluids. Each child should have an adequate supply of pull-ups and wipes at school at all times. Students in the potty-training process also need to have three changes of clothing in their cubby at all times. Frequently Asked Questions: How do I know if my child is ready to begin potty training?

 · Follows simple directions.

 · Remains dry for at least 2 hours at a time during the day.

 · Dry after naptime.

 · Regular and predictable bowel movements (some may have bowel movements every day and some may have to go 

   every 2-3 days)

 · Walks to and from the bathroom, pulls down own pants and pulls them up again.

 · Seems uncomfortable with soiled or wet pants.

 · Interested in the toilet.

· Has asked to wear grown-up underwear.

If your child has most of these skills, then they are probably ready to start toilet training. If they do not have most of these skills or have a negative reaction to the toilet training it may be best to wait a few weeks. Starting the process too early can actually delay the process and cause tears and frustration. Toilet training is much easier when the child is ready. Since potty training is a process, it requires the support of both parents and teachers.

One way that parents can help with the process at school is to start the day and end the day by taking your child to the restroom. This helps children understand that mom and dad have the same bathroom expectations as the teachers at school. Teachers will take students to the restroom with other students at regular times during the day. While they may not actually use the potty, we will be working with them to go through the motions. Children should wear clothing that can be easily pulled up and down (no onesies). They should not wear overalls and or belts, and they must come to school in a pull-up. Learning to use the potty or toilet is a significant event in the life of a young child. Toilet or potty training is a process that each child goes through at their own pace. Needless to say, no two children are alike and we do not have a one size fits all policy. The staff is always ready to help answer any questions you may have.

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Owl's Nest Child Care - Boutique In-Home Childcare, Individualized Care, Experienced Staff, Early Education
Owl's Nest Child Care LLC
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